Welcome to CFM Environmental LLC


Fred Peyer, Operating Manager, CFM Environmental LLC, worked in the environmental field in Hawaii for the past fifteen years. His experience includes Asbestos and Lead Inspection, Sampling & Monitoring, but for the past twelve years Fred has been preparing Air Permit Applications, NPDES NOI's, Storm Water BMP's, Solid Waste & Recycling Permit Applications, Spill Prevention Control and Countermeasure Plans (SPCC), and Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plans (SWPPP).

Fred is a member of the International Erosion Control Association (IECA) and is certified by Stormwater USA as a CCIS and CPSWPPP.

In addition to the above, Fred did extensive compliance air modeling with EPA Screen3 and Airmod Pollutant Concentration models and participated successfully in a two-day Airmod Air Dispersion Modeling Workshop in San Francisco by Lakes Environmental, the maker of the software.

He attended a 3-day joint training DOH Clean Water Branch and the HEER office "Managing Uncertainty with Systematic Planning: Developing Defensible Sampling Designs for Environmental Decision-Making", based on the DQO (Data Quality Objectives) process & system.

He has worked with numerous clients in industry and construction and is familiar with all applicable regulations and Government Agencies in Hawaii as well as the EPA Region 9 in San Francisco. He is experienced in environmental Compliance and Monitoring.

Over the past two years, Fred did extensive research into EMS (Environmental Management System) with a special emphasis on how EMS can be integrated into small and medium sized businesses on a "shoestring" budget and limited time requirements for owners/managers without missing any of the important aspects, and with a main goal of compliance excellence, reduced emissions, and reduced use of resources. His aim is that the implementation of an EMS system not only pay for itself, but actually increase profits while benefiting the environment.

The other members of the CFM team are:

Doris Peyer, Administration
Chris Peyer, Computer Programming & IT
Mike Peyer, BS Cellular & Molecular Biology

As a team we are offering a wealth of experience and a willingness to provide quality environmental services with innovative solutions and high value.